success case
Tiantian Organic Fruits and Vegetables is an online shopping platform for organic fruits and vegetables founded in 2014. With a passion and professionalism, the store manager insists on providing only non-toxic organic fruits and vegetables, which has been loved by many customers.
“ 兩年前很幸運的找上 GogoShark 幫我建立的電商平台,如今我們的網站已發展成為台灣領先的線上有機蔬果宅配平台之一,網站的訂單成為我們生意不可或缺的一部分。當初還好選擇 GogoShark 替我架設網站,讓我在眾多蔬果宅配平台中衝出重圍,締造佳績。 ”

Store Manager, Tiantian Fruits and Vegetables
Sua Lee
OneCutter comes from Central Taiwan and is a hand tool manufacturer with 20 years of experience. Its products are mainly exported to the United States and sold in Walmart and other chain channels. In recent years, it has exported its products to more places through its website.
“ 三年前因為面對著產業轉型,找到 GogoShark 建置品牌官網,從品牌規劃到網頁設計都幫 OneCutter 重新規劃,感謝 GogoShark 幫我們把傳統產業的品牌翻新,網站的 SEO 優化讓更多人可以搜尋到我們,把訂單拓展到世界各地。 ”

Ceo, Onecutter
Antony Yang
"In the past, I used Pikerbang as a blogging platform. Although the communication efficiency was not bad, it was not easy to read, organize and customize. In short, it was ugly. Thanks to GogoShark for not only helping me move all the old articles, but also designing In order to meet the professional and life-conscious image I want, I will present a more complete Sister S to everyone."

Writer/Hunter Head Consultant, 江湖人稱 S 姐
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